Monday, June 23, 2008

And speaking of "your WHERE"...

I was perusing yet another cosmetic site, (, and checking out some boscia Peppermint Blotting Linens, when what should I see out of the corner of my eye but "Customers who purchased this also bought..." Naturally, my cosmetic whoring ADD kicks in and I scroll down the page, but what I landed on what not something I expected. A product called SweetSpot Labs On-The-Go Wipettes Singles.

Wait. Is that a drawing of a woman's lower half ? Huh? This is a cosmetic site right? People who are looking for a product to blot the oil and sweat off their forehead are also looking for that???

Sure enough this product is one of the latest in the demand for Vajay-jay chic accouterments or "Intimate Grooming Escensuals", as they like to be referred to. SweetSpot Labs'®, (yes, it’s a real lab), is a complete intimate grooming collection of luxury care intended for your “sweetest spot”, not just limited to on-the-go wipes, but also offers cleansers, balancing mists, “bidet in a bottle” and Spa Waxing Protocol Kits, that are formulated and pH balanced specifically for optimum vulvar health. Products contain mild ingredients specially chosen to blend with soothing botanicals, and are absent of alcohol. That means less risk of burning, yeast infections and UTIs, which is precisely why Shari Creed started her wildly popular company. She was among the thousands of women frustrated by constant urinary tract infections, and other womanly issues, but was unable to find a solution that didn’t involve living in a state of chronic discomfort, so she turned her sights on a more organic and holistic approach and looked for a way to develop products that were more appropriate and nurturing for a woman’s body.

The thing is, as a little taken a back as I was at first, it's actually a product I would consider using. I mean, who hasn't had an issue with a cleanser that wasn't quite so sensitive in "that area" and left you with an unhappy, irritated, vagina? And, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has on occasion, in anticipation of a romp or rendezvous, maybe spritzed a little somethin' somethin' in that general vicinity. I'm totally game for this. I'm also kind of digging the Chic Earth Mother vibe the company's got going on, with copy that reads “You're at the door to paradise and procreation”. The site almost makes you feel like your mother or grandmother is talking to you about “sweet spot” health, but not in that cheesy 80’s, mother and daughter, walking in a field, dicussing that “not so fresh feeling”, commercial, kind of way. Oh, and I’m absolutely dying to see this product featured on The Big Idea if not just for Donny Deutsch’s expression/response alone. Check this company out today! Your Sweet Spot will thank you for it.


Anonymous said...

"All-Day-Va-Jay-Jay" as I call it, is not nice. Working hard all day, when its hot too?!? You def need a fresher-upper down there. I use another brand and always carry spares. LOL

Confessions of a Makeup Whore and Product Junkie said...

LOL - You're cracking me up!
But, ya know, there is a demand for it...Dare I ask what brand you use???

Anonymous said...

Always(yeah, the pads with wings brand) makes good ones and so does Summer's Eve! Keep it clean ladies, keep it clean...